Does your skin type change over time?
Skincare is a personal process that is different for everyone. Because everyone’s skin is unique, skin care products and routines that work for your friends may not work for you. Determining your skin iD (skin type and skin concerns) can enable you to create a skincare routine that addresses your particular issues and help you develop healthy, glowing skin.
Although there are several different skin types (long-term characteristics) and skin concerns (short-term issues), each has defining traits that can help you assess your skin.
Key Takeaways
- There are over 16 unique skin types due to the differences in our genetic, environment, diet and lifestyle
- While your skin type tends to stay the same, it may change according to the weather and climate
- Maintain healthy, glowing skin all year round with a personalised skincare routine that pairs the right skincare products for your skin needs!
What Are Different Skin Types
To develop a skincare routine that truly benefits your particular skin, it’s important to first gain an understanding of the different skin types.
The four main skin types are:
- Dry Skin: A lack of oil production causes skin cells to become dry and flaky.
- Oily Skin: An overproduction of sebum leaves skin feeling greasy and appearing shiny.
- Normal Skin: The right balance of oil and dryness. This skin is generally even and smooth.
- Combination Skin: Some areas of the face overproduce oil while other areas don’t produce enough. The T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) are oily while the cheeks are dry.
However, there are a host of other factors that can affect the condition of your skin. The Baumann Skin Type Classification System further categorizes skin into 16 specific types while evaluating four barriers:
- Dehydration: dryness vs. oiliness
- Inflammation: sensitivity vs. resistance
- Pigmentation: non-pigmentation vs. pigmentation
- Wrinkles: wrinkling vs. tightness
This means that someone who has oily skin may also experience some surface-level dehydration. Often, dehydration is mistaken for dry skin. In doing so, you could begin using a heavier cream moisturizer that actually works against your oily skin. That’s why it’s important to correctly identify your skin iD and find products to support your skin’s issues.
Can Skin Type Change?
“Your skin type is genetically determined and that is not something that changes with the season,” says NYC-based dermatologist, Joshua Zeichner, MD.
However, your skin type can be temporarily changed due to the internal and environmental factors change, some of which including:
- Hormones (i.e. during pregnancy and menopause).
- You might be familiar with the term “pregnancy glow”, where your body produces more estrogen which alters your skin condition. For most, they experience a positive change in their skin, more balanced sebum and plumper cheeks.
- Impact of ageing
- Besides having to face the reality of wrinkles and sagging skin, your skin type can also affect how your skin is in your golden years. As we age, our bodies produce less estrogen and this leads to skin dryness. For those who have an oily skin type, this comes as an advantage as your skin is less prone to wrinkle formation! However, dry skin types may experience increased dryness and the concern of forming wrinkles quickly. To prevent this, always start early on your anti-aging skincare routine.
- Sunlight exposure
- We all know how damaging UltraViolet rays can be to our skin. In a 2020 study to conduct an analysis of the effects of skin aging, sun damage was found to have long-lasting effects on the dermis layer of the skin. The damage to the dermis is usually followed by early signs of photoaging and in some cases photo-carcinogenesis. We also found out that IR induced aging is more damaging than their UVA and UVB counterparts. However it can be easily prevented with this first of its kind natural active ingredient.
- Nutrition
- Your diet is so important! To achieve healthy, glowing skin, you need to eat healthy as well! Looking for some healthy and yummy ideas? Watch this video:
- Lifestyle / Stress
- Is your skin type linked to your stress level? One study found some evidence to suggest that your emotional stress can contribute to a degree of inflammation on the skin. Often, causing breakouts.
- Health conditions
- When we fall sick, our body focuses most of its energy towards recovering. This means slower cycles of cell renewal and production of healthy oils. This can lead to dull and sunken skin appearance. Exercise regularly and always consumer plenty of greens. This not only shields your body from illnesses, but also gives your skin that glowing boost it needs!
- The external environment
- According to Dr. Sarah Sawyer from Dermatology & Laser of Alabama, skin will also make adjustments according to climate and seasonal changes in order to keep other organs safe. However, different skin types can react in different ways to weather changes. For example, Dr. Sawyer explains that when exposed to drier climates, those with dry skin may find they need more or heavier moisturizers to stay hydrated. On the other hand, those with oily skin may find their skin actually balances out or even becomes oilier from sebaceous glands compensating for the dry conditions by producing more oil than usual.
It is important to adjust your personal skincare routine when your skin type changes temporarily in order to take care of your skin in its best interests.
Develop a Custom Skincare Routine for Your Skin Type
At snowperk, we know that everyone deals with individualized skin issues. Our personalized product line provides you the opportunity to build a skincare routine with the right skin care steps that’s right for you. Whether you’re looking for a face serum that won’t add to oil buildup or need a lightweight moisturizer for your skin, you’re sure to find the products you need to keep your skin under control.
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Take a Simple Skin Type Analysis Quiz
Snowperk understands the importance of identifying skin type to select the most effective products for your skincare routine. Still having trouble navigating how to know your skin type?
Our simple snowperk iD, which is a skin type test, can help you identify your skin ID and address your unique skincare needs.
If you want healthy, glowing, start using products designed to give your skin the nutrients and care it requires.
Are you ready to get to know your skin better? Take our free skin iD (skin type test) today!
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